Custom Iced cookies:
Starting at $5/each. We offer a variety of shapes and sizes.
All cookies can be individually wrapped for an additional cost of $6/doz, wrap includes cellophane bag heat sealed.
All custom iced cookies are made with our
sugar cookies shortbread hybrid dough.
Custom Photo Printed Cookies:
Each photo is printed on a 3 inch round cookie
Photos must be approved prior to printing
All cookies can be individually wrapped for an additional cost of $6/doz. Wrap includes cellophane bag heat sealed.
Old Fashioned cookies:
All our cookies are made from scratch & hand scooped/rolled to perfection in our bakery. We offer our cookies by pre-order only.
BOXED-4 dozen (single flavor): $50
COOKIE TRAYS (cellophane wrapped)
Small 2 dozen (1 flavor): $30
Large 4 dozen (up to 2 flavors): $55

Chocolate Chip
Peanut Butter
Oatmeal Raisen
Cinnamon Crisp
Sprinkle Italian
Chocolate Crackle